When it comes to finding a new home to live in, people generally have two options: buy a house or rent one. The varying natures of these two alternatives have led to debates about which option is better.
The truth is, it’s hard to determine if buying a home is better than renting one or vice versa since these two options have their own advantages and disadvantages. More importantly, the practicality of purchasing or renting depends on a person’s situation. In other words, there are factors that can make renting the best alternative for an individual.
If you’re currently on the lookout for a new home but are not yet sure if you should buy or rent, we can help you finalise a decision by going through the main factors you have to consider when purchasing or renting property.
Determine How Long You’ll Be Staying In The House
One of the first things that you have to think about is how long you’ll be staying in your new home. Are you planning on staying in the same place for a relatively long time, or do you see yourself relocating to a different area in a couple of years?
If you are going to stay for at least five to ten years, then purchasing a house might be a better and more practical option, especially from a financial standpoint. After all, there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to resell your home at a much higher price when the time comes.
On the other hand, if you’re craving for flexibility in your life or if you’re expecting to be relocated to a different city, state, or even country because of your work, then you should definitely consider renting. This setup allows you to easily pack up and start a new life in a different place without worrying about what you’re going to do with your property.
Estimate The Cost Of Buying Vs. Renting

In some cases, renting can be more financially practical than buying a house because it rarely involves additional expenses, such as various upfront and maintenance costs. Also, renters don’t have to worry about property taxes and home insurance.
However, keep in mind that renting can be cheaper than buying a home if you’re not planning on living there for a long time. In the long run, buying is still more cost-efficient than renting because it allows you to build equity and increase the value of your property investment.
Assess The Risks Involved
Both renting and buying come with their own set of risks. For instance, although you’ll be able to build equity when you purchase a house, you could still end up selling your home at a lower value due to certain unpredictable factors.
On the other hand, renting doesn’t allow you to build equity. Also, you’ll always be at the mercy of your landlord, who can easily increase your monthly rent at any given moment or unexpectedly ask you to move out.
These are some of the unfavourable scenarios you might experience whether you’re a homeowner or a renter. So, before making a decision, think about the risks involved in both renting and buying and decide which potential issues you are more capable of handling.
Analyse Your Current Financial Situation

Another important matter that you should consider is your current financial state. Are you making enough money right now to afford a home and all of the expenses that come with it, or do you want to play it safe by renting in the meantime?
When you’re analysing your financial situation, focus only on your current assets. Don’t include the investments that you’re expecting to go up in the near future or the additional income from a possible promotion at work. After all, nothing in the future is certain, and everything can change in an instant. You certainly don’t want to find yourself in a situation, or in this case, a home, that you can’t afford.
After going through these factors, you can now decide if renting or buying a home is a better option for you based on your current situation. The next thing that you have to do now is to find a home that you can either rent or purchase. Ray White Albury Central can help you find the best houses and property units that are for sale and for rent in Albury. With the help of its hardworking real estate experts, Ray White Albury Central can help you get the best value out of your investment.